Frequently asked questions and answers.

Consult the frequently asked questions and answers, if you do not find what you are looking for, please get in touch from our contact page.

All REPSA YELLOW COAT products are sold solely and exclusively through our exclusive representative Materiales y Equipos del Sureste S.A. de C.V. Contact information can be found on their website: www.mes.com.mx

All REPSA YELLOW COAT brand base products are certified under the UL standard. The PVC coating is made under the parameters of the NEMA RN-1 standard which specifies the hardness of the plastic, its elasticity, the thickness that the plastic and the interior yellow urethane coating must have and the correct way to test the Adhesion of PVC and URETHANE to the metal substrate.

Yes. Recubrimientos Plásticos del Sureste has a production system certified under the international standard ISO 9001-2015, which assures its clients that the processes through which the product goes for its manufacturing are meticulously measured and verified to ensure the production of a product with international quality.

Yeah. All REPSA YELLOW COAT brand base products are UL certified.

Recubrimientos Plásticos del Sureste grants a quality certificate for the materials produced.

The authenticity of the REPSA YELLOW COAT materials can be confirmed on the website by sending an email with the invoice number to certificados@repsapvc.com

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Introducción a las áreas clasificadas.

La electricidad es vital para la operación de las plantas industriales alrededor del mundo. Por ello, las instalaciones eléctricas seguras


New REPSA catalog v006.

Nos complace informar que nuestro nuevo catálogo REPSA en su versión 006 ya está disponible. En un esfuerzo constante por